Page 26 - gasolin#09
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mitive, it is sophisticated. We are its final army aflame with risk Thee human dead. Thee unmagickal. Thee blind. Thee sleepers
and freedom. in grey. Thee word may be virus, but cynicism is virus too. Now
What pictures do we have? Support, sadness, fragility, mad- we find our ground and we stand and fight. We fight with
ness, and inspiration. Vision, a language of vision, a heirogly- flickering pictures, runes of video, frames of memory and pri-
phic language, a vicious brutal language. Germany is itself a mal response, thee coumbination of animal lust for survival,
neurological language. It speaks in tongues and flames, in and its tactical expression. We fight. We have no other choice.
myths and bodies, hopelessness and hope. Thee scapegoat celi- We are engaged in a life Times fight. It was never, is never, and
bate, thee goat pan fertile and rampant. Both love of nightmare never will be a game. Its a matter of contact. Of motive. Of inte-
and hatred of disease. Sometimes just a tiny hole in Time, clo- gration. Of strength. Of isolation within a network. If time is
sing slowly over thee guilt of every linked subconscious sore. measured this fight measures time. Time is equally for us and
As we make a final stand. We have no choice anymore. Sad- against us. Germany is thee image of territory. Thee image of
ness. Memory flooding. Once, relationships seemed simpler, battleground. Thee rune of coumplexity and simplicity warring
unsophisticated, naive, less self-conscious. Our euphoria has for fertility. Pan. Thee barren are rendered fruitful, thee rituals
been swamped by thee damaging sarcasm of thee majority. are earlier than memory. Thee animal floods through thee man
and through thee crisis creates panic. Life. Our dreams are vi-
vid. Our rituals stand us apart. Motive is a key. Why? One does
not need answers to feel confident of motive. And motif, pictu-
re crystalises inate intuitions that flicker and fight. In a universe
of flux there are no fixed answers. No fixed moments. Rapidity,
fusion, flexibility are thee hard edges, thee frame ofthis alche-
my of survival. Place is in thee truest sense, merely a landscape
we pass through. [t has no density. Rememberance should be
more exact. There are lines, boundaries, in all of these places.
There common language is one of symbols.
When order is lost, time spits.
yas habetr rlr aD BllderD? UDterstützuD8, Trlurlttelt, Zer-
brechllchkelt, YabDslLD uDd IDSplrÄtloD, V16totr, elEe Sprache
der Vlsioa, elDe Hlero8lfpbeEprache, eloe täsrt16c uDd brut.l6
Sprache. DeutscLlaDd lat selbGt elle Deurolotlehe Sprache. Bs
Eprlcht 1u Zurgen uad Plartr, lu lytheu uDd L.lcheD, tD lloff-
DUEg€l06lBke1t uod f,offDUD8. Der zöllbate SüDdeDbocl, de. Gott
Pän, frucbtbar uDd zuEellos. Sorchl dle Llebe zu! Alptrru! u[d
der [IaB auf s KraE]e Bl6El IeD Dur elD rlDzl8rs L@h 1D drr
Zelt, das slch laD6sa! shlle8t über dcr Sciul,d Eältllcher !l.t-
elnaDder verbuEdeDeD unterbewgteD luudeE.
gäbrend wlr elEeD letzteo 8llsatz Fa8eL. Ulr brbeB kelEe
UahI Ehr, IraurlEkelt. VoE ErlrDeruEE überflutet. Er.Dst, s
*beint es, Ereo VerhältDls* slupler, uDkultlvlert, utv, E-
D16er selbstb€nBt. Unsere EuPhorle lst üb€r$!reEt rcrdetr rct
*hadlgeodeD SarkasNs der Xehrhelt. Der Iebendlt€tr toteE. Dercr
ohEe Je8llches Cespur für Ia8lch Der Blludeu. Der sheEnhÄlteD
grauea Schläfer, Das yort EE elE Vlrus e1tr, doch ZyDl€E5 tst
eb€De e1n Vlrus trun flDdeB 11. utrsereD StaDdort, lalteD 6taDd
und k6Epfeo. 91r taEpfeE Dlt fl1clertrdetr BllderD' VldeoruDeu,
EtDzelbllderE der ErluneruEE uDd ur6prüDtIlcber ReaHloD, elDer
KoDblDatloD aus anlullscher Lust Ä! Überleben uDd thre! tattl-
staLd des Ylsens, sle slDd lebetrdlEe XytheD und Geteb€ubelteu' Eched lusdruck Ylr k Epfetr. Ytr haben LelDe aDdere YähL Ytr
Ausdruct EEsbllcher IaEtcI, EoEcLllcher Senall.tät uDd PaE1k. slEd verHlclelt 1n elDeD Kalpf auf LebeD6zelt EE Er trleDls
Sle exlstleren äls üb€rstuullche RealltäteD, dle realer 6r.trd al6 er.n Sp1eI, lst ke1[es uDd vlrd es Ele 6e1E. Es 16t e1!e SacLe
thr Platz 1! der Zelt. der TuchfühLuog Der B€we8Eründe. Der IBtetratloD. Der Stärke.
Körp., verotteod vor lEESt, krü@E uDd ilDdeE slch u! uD- Der IsolÄt1o! ltrnerhalb voE elEeE tetz. yeDE Zett b€EseD lat,
ere uuusge6pr@heDe Sprache. ElElüh1uDg uDd lbrcheu besteheD datrD ist dleser Kalpf 1Lr Xaß. Zelt lst EleLcberD8eD für uDs
BebeBelDauder Dle lebeDdlte, d@h uEerkrDEte Xacht des Sy!bol6. und gegeD utrs- Deutschlärd lst das Blld des terlitorLuE. h6
Es er8eb€D stch kelDerlel Schlußfol6erungeu aus dleser Beobach- 81ld des ScLlachttelds. Dle Rutre eo! (o!pllzlertLer.t uld BID-
tuE6 - vlellelcht el! 9et durch d1e Psyche ln deD lytlos. Ia el- fäcLhelt 1D Strelt uE Fruchtb.rkelt, PaE. Dle UtfruchtbareD Er-
DeD ehr realeD SltrDe lst ordDuEE Llst, urd UDordDuu8 6euu der detr fruchtbar BeEcht, d1e RltuaIe relcheD Elter zürück als rl-
9oD.Ltater uDd ltrstlfter elnes Letztetr hoffDuD8sl6e! leglEs. IE Le ErlDDeruDE. Das Tler durchpulEt deD XeD$heD uDd &hÄftt
lBDerD elnes JedeE letrscLetr ruDrt dle Zelt. Yer Ech 16t, deD durch Krlse PEDIk LebeD. Utrere TreuE Elrd lebeDd18. UDere
trelbt eE Ä8, der verEpürt ADtrleb urd Xotlvatlo!, dl,e Scblafetr- Rltuale dlstatrzlereD uos. lltrleb lst elD Schlüse], Yaru!? Xa!
deD spüren uichts. oeLeSeotllch fübrt der f,yth6 durch IDtrlSe braucht kelEe ADtkorteD, u! 61ch elDe6 lotlvs Elcher zu elD.
zu ErplosloDen. In dea Yeoer de6 (örPere Pul6t d1e lutst, dle IotlvatLon uud 811d krl6talllsLereD ElaEebsDEEE, dle tllckerE
f,ylpheo der Se&alltät $hlffer ver8eseD, ID der lat b€E8eo und kdEpfeE, ID elDeE UDlverEU!, dls ,'o 8erc6ul6 16t, tr.b't q6
slcL d1e verloreDeo Seeletr sEft H1e versleEErde Plü@. AlIe ketue festgeLeSteD ADtrcrteD. Kelae featteleEtetr AuEeDbllckc.
BescbrÄDkutr8eD führea zur YahDSlED. ElLe eElte vlssenscbaft 1st SchDeIllgteIt, YerelDIzuDS, Flextbllltät atecleB del l!hD! ab
e1De, d1e Verlust elDgestebt. fur dlee llcbelle des üb€rl€beD6. Stardort l5t 1r Ebr6t"u SID-
BEPüHRUIC auf phy6lscLer Ebeoe ebeEso rle der dea Cefühl6 ne de6 Yortes uur elne LaDd$baft, dle rlr durchrele!. S1e blt
verursächt lblebuuDS und ÄDzlehunt. Alle IäEtck lst lDtutt1v, kelDe Dlchte. Da6 GedächtEls 60llte Gpher fuuHlonl6ro!. Ih
lÄstlukt tst nlcht etHas PrtElttves, soDder! eths Xrchetrtrl- 61Dd LllleD, Creueu an rll d1e*E Orteo. Dle EeElDsE SPrache
ckeltes Y1r slDd selD letztes /tufgebot, eDtflaEt ilt n161lo dort 1st dle der SYlbole.
uDd Frelhelt Ist dle OrdDUn8 dÄhlo, ePelt dte Zelt.