Page 24 - gasolin#09
P. 24
here is no honesty that is not born ofpatience.
There is no hope without thee embracing of
hopelessness. Thee acceptance of a moment
after cynicism. There are lines, boundaries,
earthiness in all these places. Split in two like a
hacked corpse.
So many bodies, severed by thee railway
tracks. So many tracks now. Berlin is breeding tracks, develo-
ping damage to a fine spell. Casting its special runes in thee
language Fupark, strong, masculine and angular, yet decayed.
Thee same split of mind and body, embodied in his Story and
contained very precisely by thee addicition of time.
Thee spear of battle and thee individual expressed as race.
Words have a potence not diminished by technology, merely
transgressed, and transfixed.
Thee German Order is a Cult of Souls. Dead Souls. Lost for-
ever since they finally made essential contact with their collecti-
ve consciousness. A far too dangerous application ofdeflection
and distortion of hope and desire. For Germany practice s ma-
/ gick, Practices. thee
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p. Ow f üge
manic nightmare.
And yet, in this world of time there are no nightmares, only
ugly dreams, life made real. Thee struggle of Man is to feel ali-
ve, to live in crisis is a basic method. To affirm our existence, to
focus a blurred Self-Image. To cause resurgence through Ima-
ging. To understand mortality for a moment of terrified bliss. of one can create thee disturbance ofthee other. Their common
Thee German Rune. Thee place where all dreams meet from language is one of symbols. This synergetic response can rever-
a pagan past that was so deliberately suppressed with total una- berate through all time. It ends with Time, and Time is that
wareness of thee primal risks such suppression invoked. Thee which ends. Germany has become an ikon. Its people trapped
Christian mentality implanted upon thee Intuitive Magick of within it unreal. A tiny clenched and crushed symbol. How of-
elemental human experience and observation. For Magick is in ten do we really leel real, how often do our memories feel real.
fact merely observation of Individual and Collective experien- Thee problem was and is, how to come to terms with thee awe-
ces and a functional, practical application ofthem. It expresses some fact of being alive. Humankind has in a very real sense a
inarticulate flashes of thee abstract perception of our brains. common consciousness. a neurology It is in a very real sense
Articulated by thee most accurate means of its moment fixed in
Der Ger@D Order 1st e1D Kul.t der See1etr Toter Seele!. luf
time. So a prehistoric expression is made through sticks, blood,
eHlB verloren, selt es thDea EchIleELlch gela!g, dle reseusEeB-
stones, thee environment. And a Medieval expression through
chemicals, glass phials and written text, thee most contempora- 8e Verblnduüg zu th.eD kolIektlveD BemßtselDberzustellea. Eltre
ry language available. Now thee expression of Magick is vlel zu 6eiähr11ches Splel E1t deE Beugeuund Verzerren vou
through Video, Cassette Tape, Polaroid cameras and thee most Hoffouog uDd SehDsucbt, DeDD DeutschlaDd praktlzlert )h61ck,
sophisticated toys of our technology. There is a fusion of distur- pralttzlert d1e lDDere lelluD8, dle e total 16t uad real. lra-
bed potence when energy meets intuition with malignant force lert Xuster, dle vlel zu lÄtr6e uod zu deutllch fllckeru, ur
and generates flames of ecstasy. In a real sense we exist in a hall nlcht der 6e1att6eE CeEuEdhelt zu scMdeu. Der llptrÄu! des Paa.
of Mirrors. Thee Individual mimicks thee race. Thee race mi- De. PaD-GerEDlsche Alptraut. oDd drch ttbt e6 1! dleer Uelt
micks thee Individual. Both pure and abused. Thee disturbance de. Zelt kelDe llptrduE, Dur häßllche TräuE, real teErdeDe6
Es glbt kelDe lufrlchtlBkelt, dle Elcbt au6 Geduld tebore! 15t- LebeB. Des IeDscheD KaEpf Beht daru!, 61ch äls real zu begrel-
Es glbt ketDe llofftrun8, d1e Dlcht Hoffaua8tl6ltkelt llt el.B- feE; 1D fortgesetzter f,rlse zu lebeo 16t elLe eleEDtare lethr
ehlle8t. Dle coo etEs, da6 hlDter de! Z)E1aD6 de. U! uusere ExlEtEE zu bestätL8en, däs eerschrc@ne Blld voD
^DtrelkeuDung uDs *lbst schärfzustelleD. U! durch blldllche DsstelluEg elre
exltlert. ln all dleeD O.tetr flDdeD 51ch L1B1eD, GreDzeD, Ir-
dlschlelt. Zrel8etelLt tr1e e1E zerhackter Lelchu!. UledererEckuq8 zu bewlrkeu. U! la elDe! AuteDbItcl errcÄrmle-
oer lrerzücEuot uasere SterbllchleLt zu beErelt!D.
So vlele LelcheD, durchtreEDt voE deu ScbLeueEträDt€!. So
elele Glelse Jetzt. BerIlD Seblert BahDtlelse, entvlctelt aus Dle deutsche Rune. Der Ort, aD de! stch all dte Träur tret-
deü ScirdeD e1treD rafflDlerteD BaDE. Der €elDe nuDeD forlt 10 feD au6 der heldDlscheD VergäD8eE-hett, dle 60 vorsä uDter-
der Spracle Fupark, kaBtlt, voll uskullEer Stärke, uDd deLDrch druckt wrde lD der völl.lgeD UDberugthelt der prlnäraE R161kea,
1tr Verfall beSrlfieD. Dleselbe SpaltuD8 zulscheD Ge16t uEd fiir- dle 6olch etae UoterdrückuuE b€Gcbrört. Dle ehrlatllche f,eLta]1-
per, dle verkorpert lst 1D Se1trer Gesc!1chte uad fest verkettet tät wrde der lDtultlveD lb81ct eleEtrtarer E!rchllcler Erfah-
Elt der Sucht trach Ze1t, ruEE uEd 9alrnehNtr6 aufEepfropft. DeDtr IaElck 1st elEeDtIr,cL
bloß dle YahrnebuD8 IDdlvlduel.IeD und KolleEleeD BrIeDec uDd
drs fuuktLoEell.e, pr6lt1$Le GebrauchEcLeD yo[ beld.r. 81e
Der Speer der Schlächt uDd da6 IDdlvlduu! darEe6tellt als
brlEtt uErtlkullerte Blltze uDserer äb6tralteu Vor6teLluBt zu!
Ra6se vorte hab€n elDe facht, dle durcb techDolo8le Dlcht 6€-
Ausdruck. lrtlkul.lert Elt deD präzlsesteD IltteI[, dle 1! lu8etr-
ElDdert rlrd, uur überschrltten ubd durchbohrt.
bIlck zu Verfü6uog steheD. So tlDdet s1e threD prählBtorleheD
t)'HIS SToRY reans AdoIf Hltler, 1s Dot aEt-feElD16t'(c.?,O.) Au6druck lD Stöckea, Blut, StelDeD, der UlEebult. Uad 1! l{lttel-