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P. 6


           Dear Readers,

                      oul of Street is going ahead. We created this special issue a new format of
                      our Soul of Street Magazine and are very proud to present you this #Sou-
                      lofbrussels Issue. We are always looking for new paths we can go together
                      with the  Streetphotopgrahy  community.  Our  visions  become  more  and
         Smore concrete ideas with a tangible form, with results, we don’t want to
           keep back any longer from you.

           After we got to know about the Brussels Street Photography Festival (BSPF) in
           September, we spontaneously decided to go to Brussels at the end of October. We
           attended the opening ceremony in the gallery Ravenstein and the award ceremo-
           ny at the following evening.

           In this issue, we would like to tell you what the 1st Brussels Street Photography
           Festival was about and which artists took part. We summarized this for you and
           will you show some accompanying pictures from both evenings of the event. At
           this extraordinary event with a huge variety of photographers old and new friends
           crossed our way and we are deeply thankful for all the conversations we had with
           every single person.  All of them had their individual point of view on this unique
           kind of photography and thus let us take a glimpse of their world.

           Reiner Girsch wrote down his impressions and experiences from Brussels in a
           short report for you. You can literally feel from his words how the 40 hours in Bel-
           gium have influenced him.

           Furthermore, we are happy that Christof Timmermann could meet with the Bel-
           gian photographer Kristof Vande Velde from the APF Magazine, for an Interview to
           get to know more about his work as a photographer.
           Marc Barkowski is giving with “Streets of Brussels” insights into his philosophical
           views of the searching and finding of moments on the lively streets of Brussels.
           Moreover, we would like to introduce you to Tom Lyon, with only 17 years the
           photography student from Belgium was able to win the public prize competition in
           the category single. Totally vintage, he is shooting film since he was a child and is
           developing his pictures himself in a darkroom.

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